Climate change and migration present two seemingly separate global challenges.
These global themes are inextricably linked.
Global issues are not isolated, they are interdependent, intertwined, complex, so it is important that their addressing is just that, connected.
In this challenging framework, Beyond the Tales is directed at youth workers in order to provide knowledge and information aimed at acquiring and strengthening competencies and a critical understanding of climate migration.
Through the educational-awareness approach we also want to promote and strengthen the connection and solidarity between youth workers and young people and to spread understanding, solidarity, and encourage activation for a climate and socially just society.
Beyond the Tales team will develop in 24 months four interconnected main Project Results as capacity building, qualitative research, online course and a booklet with global – youth stories on climate change and migration.
These results will be obtained thanks to European cooperation actions including transfer of good practices, focus groups with youth workers, blended – training and local activities.
Beyond the Tales is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by Humanitas (Slovenia) in partnership with Sudwind (Austria), Umanotera (Slovenia), CEPS (Spain), LDA Mostar (BIH).